Live to Ride

Motorcycle Stuff. Memories & diary of rides in Northern California. Member of CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association), promoting Christian fellowship and safety. My passion for freedom and adventure on two wheels.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

3" PVC Tool Tube

3" PVC Tool Tube for the F650GS
I finally got off my behind and made up a PVC tool tube for my F650GS. I have these on both of my XT225s and love them.

Here's the write up for the XT225-- the only difference with the F650GS was that I drilled two small holes in the skid plate to mount the angle bracket. I also installed two screw caps instead of a screw cap and a plug cap, so that I can open the tool tube from either end.
Tool kit
In the tool tube, I keep:
* 5-14 mm sockets
* 1/4" socket wrench
* Extension for the 1/4" drive sockets
* Folding hex keys
* Folding torx keys
* 13-in-1 ratcheting screwdriver
* Small vice grip
* Cable ties
* Roll of electrical tape
* Roll of Rescue Tape
* 1 pair of vinyl gloves
