Live to Ride

Motorcycle Stuff. Memories & diary of rides in Northern California. Member of CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association), promoting Christian fellowship and safety. My passion for freedom and adventure on two wheels.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Motorcycling. Ultimately, the lure is, engagement with the world. The closest comparison, probably, skiing. Release from the daily grind, proximity to the raw physical world, rush of speed, noises, solitude, technique proudly acquired for accurate control.

And more. Skiing, the tug comes not from such generalities, it’s from specific skiing experiences. The actuality of a particular slope on a particular day, the actual swishing carve through the snow, the feel of the body’s weight, the ache of a muscle, the cold on the face. An intensification of being alive.

Afterwards, what do skiers do? Retire to bed meekly? Perhaps not. Vibrant in excitement’s aftermath, see the mulled wine flow, watch the chattering mouths, admire reenacted ski turns, gasp in wonderment at dangers avoided. The experience overwhelming, there’s need to share it, need to understand it.

As with skiing, motorcycling. Yet still more. A glorious surprise in hand. No, this gripping sport doesn’t cost a king’s ransom, in fact it saves money. You’re more or less being paid to do what you love. And you can do it every day. No wonder you can’t stop a motorcyclist smiling.
