Live to Ride

Motorcycle Stuff. Memories & diary of rides in Northern California. Member of CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association), promoting Christian fellowship and safety. My passion for freedom and adventure on two wheels.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brennan Dates

Riding in the wind is tricky and can be very dangerous when you are on two wheels. Say for instance that the wind is coming from my right side; I have to lean into the wind in order to keep traveling in a straight line. For some reason the way the wind was ripping over me and my bike, it was trying to pull my helmet up and off of my head which put a huge, uncomfortable strain on my neck hour after hour.

The two of us would be leaning into the wind, which was pretty constant for most of the day, when all of a sudden the wind would blast us from a different direction sending us all over the road, sometimes into oncoming the oncoming lane! It was really nerve wracking to lose control like that. We started watching the grass ahead of us on the road to see what the wind was doing.

Passing trucks was crazy too. The wind was from the right so when we passed an eighteen wheeler it would block the wind. It would be nice and quite and if it was safe we would just hang off of the left side of the trailer to enjoy a few seconds out of the wind. When we would finish the pass we would need to swerve towards the front of the tractor so we would be leaning into the wind as we cleared the front of the truck or we would have been blown across oncoming traffic and off of the road.

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