Live to Ride

Motorcycle Stuff. Memories & diary of rides in Northern California. Member of CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association), promoting Christian fellowship and safety. My passion for freedom and adventure on two wheels.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Motorcycle (Group) Ride

related Links: Guide for Fun & Safety - (May 2006)

group riding pet peeves

• Death by blind spot. This one may not be entirely fair, but it drives me utterly batshit when the person in front of me rides at the exact speed that will place me SMACK DAB into someone's blind spot. If I speed up, I'll be tailgating my friend; if I slow down, I'll be lagging too far back. Ugh! I can physically feel my blood pressure rising whenever this happens.

• Speedy Gonzales, our optimistic leader. Hi, yes, if you're leading a group ride (which is defined by me as two or more riders intentionally going to the same place), you won't win any friends by waiting for an exactly-one-motorcycle opening in traffic and then gunning it and leaving the rest of us at the stop sign. (note: this doesn't bug me when everyone involved knows where we're going and it's a "destination ride" kind of thing -- only when the leader really is supposed to be leading)

• The fastidiously unprepared. Darwin had a name for these people: the dead. I am your road trip friend; I am not your mother. Yes, OK, fine, you can have some of my snackies, my water, my maps, my bridge toll money, my sweatshirts, my ibuprofen, my sunscreen...

• Unnatural attachment to right hand lane. Cars enter and exit the freeway in the right hand lane. Group rides do not go in the right hand lane. Group rides go in the left hand lane. I do not wish to die now, thanks.

• Time warp riding. I feel older. I am older. I am older because we are moving at the speed of evolution. Entire civilizations are born, rise to power, and fall, and yet we are still on this road. Please. Accelerate. Just because we are in the right hand lane of the freeway (see above) does not mean we need to be going 45mph. Please. I age.

One of my pet peeves is some fat head who drives the same speed in the left lane as the cars in the right...And has a half mile of clearance in front of him...

Use the left lane to pass ... Then get over till it's time to pass again...

So if you are one of those jerks who thinks it's your right to drive in whatever lane at whatever speed you choose, Then you deserve to see some brights in your mirror....

If you have a half mile of clearance in front of you and cars on your bumper...
You're driving too slow in the wrong lane.....Just get over and get over yourself....

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